New Town of Scofield
The Town of Scofield by this
instrument was made a town and the organization of the Town
Board was at once begun and A. H. Earll was chosen President of
the Town Board with Messrs Kimball, Wright, Lewis and Krebs as
Trustees. M. P. Braffet was appointed Town Clerk and Thomas
Lloyd, Town Marshal.
Everyone was then allowed the homes
they were then occupying and improvement was the order of the
day. Where the log cabin was predominant the lumber house nicely
finished quietly took its place and from a town of shanties it
rapidly became a town of neat cottages.
On account of the altitude, being
over eight thousand feet above sea level it was impossible to
make gardens of any pretentions or to adorn the lots with lawns
as would have been the case did nature allow.
We venture to say without fear of
contradiction that there was not a town in the State of Utah
that was doing as much building as was being dune in this town,
situated among the clouds with nothing but the mines to depend
upon for support.
The town was well supplied with
stores that carried everything in stock that the miners were
likely to need, and in fact there are few stores in cities of
the second class that carry as complete a stock as is carried by
Mr. A. H. Earll, John E. Ingles. S. A. Henrichsen and the
Company Store.
Photograph Gallery of
Bedington E. Lewis
Besides the Odd Fellows hall that was
in course of construction the Knights of Pythias had their
Articles of Incorporation filed and would have started their
hall in a few days as bids for the construction of the same were
under advisement. Many of the miners had built during the
winter, it being quite mild for this altitude, and as soon as
the first warm days of spring arrived cottages were being built
upon every side. Mrs. J. B. Trevier had just finished a
commodious hotel and Mrs. Ella Broyles was building a hotel to
cost nearly three thousand dollars.
Heretofore it had been next to
impossible to secure rooms in the town and many commercial
travelers were compelled to sleep in the coach, but by the
building of these new hotels all of this had changed and the
traveling public could not ask for better accommodations. Mrs.
Walton who had been running a miners boarding house at Winter
Quarters had been prevailed upon to cast her lot with us and had
built a cottage where she has catered to transient trade, a
favor that has been much appreciated.
At the last election H. H. Earll was
elected Mayor, with Andrew Smith, William Forrester. Lars Jensen
and James P. Curtin as Councilmen. James W. Dilley was appointed
clerk of the Board, John L. Price, Marshal, Lars Jensen,
When the late smallpox scare pervaded
this section of the country James P. Curtin was chosen as
Chairman of the joint County and Town Board of Quarantine, Dr.
E. B. Isgreen was appointed Quarantine Physician and it was
owing to the hard conscientious work of this board that the
dread disease was held at bay after one case had developed.
While it is true that "For Sale"
signs now adorn many of the pretty cottages it is not because
the houses will not be needed but because of the sad fact that
in nearly, and I might add, every house some of the Bread
Winners have passed away during the explosion that took place
here May 1, 1900.
The relatives and friends realizing
that there is nothing here outside of mine work have advised the
Widows of their dead friends to go somewhere that nature favors
more than she does Scofield and there upon a small farm try to
raise their families so that they may be independent of charity.
For this reason many are disposing of their property and hope by
this method to raise sufficient means to buy small homes at a
lower altitude.
Source: History of the Scofield Mine
Disaster, by J. W. Dilley, The Skelton Pub. Co., Provo, Utah,
Editors Note: The I.. O. O. F. were very active in raising
money for the benefit of the widows and children along with the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This information is
included for historical value, it does not mean the people of
this project support these institutions.