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Scofield Mine ~ List of the Dead

Every one of the hundred and more men who have gone into those chambers of death and horror, mines Number One and Four, has proven himself a hero. The awful calamity that has well-nigh destroyed this community has of course overshadowed everything else and deeds have been done here since the morning of May first that called for as high a degree of heroism as the world has ever seen. In ordinary times and under ordinary circumstances these acts would be blazoned around the world; now they seem natural and ordinary.


Joseph S. Thomas and Son
Evan Thomas
Fred Thomas
George Coulthard
Edwin Steet
Dan Davis
Dan Skerze
J. N. Powell
W. O. Powell
John Pitman
William Samuels
R. S. Evans
Andrew Adamson
Meshick Pitman
Joe Graves
T. H. Reilley
Thomas John Hardee
Gus Gourdin
Henry Wilson
Levi Jones
Valentine Losson
William Jones
Edward Jones
Willie Davis
R. D. Reese
John Lloyd
William Goode
Thomas Riley
Dan Pitman
J. B. Pitman
Ed. Hardee
James Wallace Sr.
Wm. C. Reece
Mathias Patterson
R. L. Evans
Roger B. Davis
Thomas Webber
William Webber
John Webber
Joseph Delclift
Robert Williams
Llewellyn Williams
James J Jenkins
Lee Gourdin
John Jones
John R. Price
John Burns
John Thomas
E. Ericksen
Ralph Burns
Guy Brennan
William Pugh
William Tomlinson
George Wilson
W. G. Jones
David John Davis
James Goode
Clyde Law
W. G. Jones
Evan Evans
John Johnson
Ralph Burns


D. D. Evans
William Parmley
George Langstaff
Robert Langstaff
Thomas Gatherum
James Gatherum
William Gatherum


Richard Stewart
David Hunter
James A. Hunter
Adam Hunter
John S. Hunter
Frank Strang Jr.
John Hunter
Robert Hunter
James C. Hunter
Willie Hunter
Frank Strang Sr


John James
Richard Dixon
David Illingsworth
Samuel Livsey
George Clark
William Clark
Charles Edwards
Walter Ullathorne
George James
William Clark Jr.
Walter Clark Jr.

Salt Lake

Alexander Wilson Jr.
James Wilson
William Wilson
Joseph Maio
Chris Johnson
Nicola Anselmo
G. Funari
Antonio Rollo


John Muir
George Muir
Daniel Muir
G. Bjornson

William Nielson

John Kirton


John T. Davis
George O. Davis
John O. Davis
Bernard Dougall
Morgan Miller
John Miller
William Miller

American Fork

David Padfield
Thomas Padfield
S. J. Padfield


Thomas Ferrish
Robert L. Ferrish
E. J. Franklin
William Wilstead
Robert Wilstead

Al. E. Watson

Spanish Fork
Louis Leyshon
W. K. Douglas

Thomas Ramage

Springfield, Illinois
Peter Cocklet

North Lawrence Ohio
Thomas Brogdon

Victor, Colorado
Robert Ferron
James Ferron

Spring Valley
Martin Cassidy

Canto, Illinois
Harry Bettison

Canyon City, Colorado
Peter Sutherland

Grand Junction, Colorado
Benjamin L. Lloyd

San Francisco, California
Henry Bernard


Married Single
John Houta,
John Kopela
Wm. Jacobson
Isack Macky
Hendry Punkkala
Leander Luoma
Erick Erickson
Jo. Anderson
Mike Hangas
John Korpi
Herman Erickson
Alex. Hikkala
Mack Mirmi
Frank Karlson
John Karlson
Anth Macky
Gust Luoma
William Luoma
Chas. Sabbie
Antti Pendtila
Matt Pendtila
Alex Kangas
John Hougala
Alfred Warila
Matt Pottojankas
Victor Ojan
Elial Huntala
Richard Pack
Abram Luoma
Matt Hundas
Oscar Nierna
Antti Houta
John Johnson
Jacob Lehto
Christ Pesola
I. I. Lundgren
Christ Lackso
Chas. Koski
Nicholas Walkame
Victor Aho
John H. Luoma
Matt Koski
Calle Hougala
John Doucha
John Heikala
Herman Kiviaho
John Koski
Lee Ojan
Jacob Keranan
Alex. Ketola
Nicholai Huntala
Oscar Sindberg
Eupich Juppo
John Pesola
Anti Klemala
Juanter Klemala
Wesler Klemala
Jacob Silein
J. H. Luoma
Abram A. Luoma
Wm. Joki Salo
Alex. Luoma


Source: History of the Scofield Mine Disaster, by J. W. Dilley, The Skelton Pub. Co., Provo, Utah, 1900.

Editors Note: The I.. O. O. F. were very active in raising money for the benefit of the widows and children along with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This information is included for historical value, it does not mean the people of this project support these institutions.


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