Ogden, Provo, Springville, and American
Fork Burial Services
Ogden Burial
The funeral services over the remains
of the ten victims of the Scofield disaster were held today in
the Tabernacle. Bishop Peter B. Peterson of Knightsville
presiding. The Tabernacle was crowded to its utmost capacity,
while hundreds were unable to gain admission. All the
undertakers of the city assisted and every funeral vehicle
available was used. The funeral procession reached almost from
the Tabernacle to the cemetery, being nearly a mile in length.
Music was furnished by the Tabernacle Choir under the direction
of Squire Coop, assisted by Miss Luella Ferrin who sang a solo.
The speakers were Joseph Small and President C. F. Middleton.
The invocation was delivered by Elder Joseph Perry, and the
benediction by Bishop David McKay. The coffins were ranged in
front of the pulpit in two rows of five, and were covered with a
profusion of flowers donated by the people from all over the
country. Some 200 relatives were present and formed part of the
cortege to the cemetery. The procession was arranged with six
hearses containing members of the Hunter and Strang families,
followed by the mourners and immediate relatives of the dead.
Then came another hearse, followed by the near relatives. The
scenes about the caskets in the Tabernacle and at the grave side
were pathetic in the extreme. Several of the widows fainted and
had to be carried from the grave. Following are the names of
those buried here:
Adam Hunter
John Hunter
Robert Hunter
James A. Hunter
William Hunter
David Hunter
John Hunter
F. Strang
F. F. Strang
Richard Stewart |
Burial Services
The entire city is weeping for the
survivors of the Scofield explosion. Provo has never experienced
so sad a scene. The melancholy tones of the tabernacle organ as
the six corpses were borne into the building brought tears from
every eye, a sigh of sadness and intense grief from every heart.
Forsooth, the streets of our city are sprinkled with tears, and
everything is still, not a sound of business life can be heard,
public offices are closed, and the daily orders of the courts
are silenced. Thousands of people are with bowed heads and grief
stricken hearts and still they assemble to pay the last respect
to the dead. Oh! this awful calamity. Why should it be? Why
should thousands be brought to grief, children left fatherless,
and wives without support in life? It would rend the heart of
any man to see the flowing tears of the Gatherums, the
Langstaffs, the Evan's and the Parmleys' in Provo today.
services were held at the Stake Tabernacle at 2 o'clock p. m.,
with the large building packed to overflowing, and hundreds
standing on the grounds outside. There were fully four thousand
people present. President Partridge opened the services at 2:10
p. m., and the Provo choir sang a beautiful hymn, "Rest for the
Aching Soul, Rest, Rest, for the Weary Head." Prayer was offered
by Patriarch Evans of Payson. The building was draped in white
crape, intertwined with lilacs. The six caskets were buried
beneath a bevy of flower wreaths. The corpses were placed side
by side just in front of the rostrum and immediately confronting
them were the mourners, numbering about fifty people. Bishop
Keeler said, "Oh we do feel and sense the heart ache of the
wives and children, fathers, brothers, and sisters who are
called to mourn, and we would gladly share their sorrow if we
could." Prof. Brim hall spoke in a spontaneous outburst of kind
sentiment. He said, "There was a time when the human heart was
not so big as it is now; a time when men gloated over calamity
to others, but that is changed now. Christ brought the spirit of
love and kindness. The entire mass of humanity is afflicted over
this calamity in this little mountain country. There is 'no
lesson in God's school but what is valuable to us." He closed
his remarks by invoking the blessings of God on the sorrowing
Mayor Taylor
thanked the relief committee for their action in giving aid in
this calamity. Prof. Walton said, "One year ago the first of
May, Robert Langstaff made his advent onto American soil from
England. He celebrated the anniversary of his advent into this
country by his death in the mines of the Pleasant Valley Coal
Company, having been there only a few months." Mr. Walton
pitifully depicted the scenes at the mines in rescuing the dead
bodies, which brought the whole house to tears. He closed his
remarks by appealing to the people to not let the surviving
widows and orphans want for clothing, food or education. Other
speakers addressed the assembly giving words of condolence and
encouragement to those in mourning. The rain began to fall
heavily about four o'clock, which prevented many people from
going to the cemetery, but a large procession was, nevertheless,
in attendance.
Burial Services at
There took place here today one of the
saddest as well as one of the most remarkable funerals in the
State. The remains of the Miller boys, and also the remains of
John Davis and his two sons, all victims of the Scofield
disaster, were buried here this afternoon. The remains of the
deceased arrived here last night and were taken to the homes of
the relatives. There were three Miller boys, who leave a widowed
mother, and John Davis, and his two sons, age 19 and 20. Mr.
Davis leaves a widow and ten small children without any means of
support. The funeral of the Davis's was held under the direction
of the Latter-day Saints' church. John Davis was born in Wales
in 1850, came here in 1875, and has lived in Scofield twenty
years, where all his children were born. P. H. Boyer was
director, and the speakers were: Thomas R. Jones of Lehi, John
S. Boyer, and Joseph Hull. The floral decorations were beautiful
and the caskets were buried in flowers. The Miller boys were
buried under the direction of the Presbyterian Church, with the
Rev. Baily as director. Morgan Miller was born in 1867, William
in 1869, and John in 1870. Rev. Theodore Lee, of Spanish Fork,
read the obituary, and Rev. Baily made the funeral address.
Bishop Hull pronounced the benediction. The music was
appropriate. The K. O. T. M. acted as pall bearers at both
funerals, and their band led the procession. Business was
entirely suspended and everyone turned out to pay their last
respects to the deceased.
Miller Boys
John Davis and 2 Sons |
Obsequies over W. B. Dougall at Springville
Among the first to be brought to the surface from the inside of
Number Four, was W. B. Dougall, a bright young surveyor from
Springville. At the head of his corps of assistants he entered
the mine about thirty minutes before the explosion, and was
found with his instrument set, not far from the outside.
William Barnard Dougall, one of the victims of the Scofield mine
calamity, was buried at Springville on Friday', the funeral
services being held under the auspices of the Maccabees,
deceased being a member of the local tent. The remains were
conveyed from the residence of deceased's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H. M. Dougall, to the Latter-day Saint's meeting house. Rev. W.
H. Huff read the Episcopal funeral service. Bishop George S.
Hill and Don C. Johnson of the Maccabees delivered funeral
sermons. The Springville choir and the Provo quartette rendered
selections. The benediction was delivered by Rev. R. C. Baily. A
large procession followed the remains to the cemetery.
"The sympathy of the entire community was expressed for the
sorrowing family, the funeral being the largest ever held in
Burial Services at American
The funeral services over the remains of
Samuel and David Padfield were held today in the Mormon meeting
house. The bodies arrived at 2:30 p. m., each casket being borne
by six pall bearers, followed by a large body of mourners and
friends. There was also a large delegation of the members of the
I. O. O. F. lodge No. 26, of Lehi, numbering twenty-two,
including a representation of the Daughters of the Rebekah Lodge
No. 13. All three boys were members of the I. O. O. F. The house
was completely filled, and many were unable to gain admission.
After singing by the choir, and prayer, a few consoling remarks
were made by Stephen L. Chipman, followed by Emil Anderson.
Thomas Barratt, Geo. Cunningham, and D. J. Thurman, member of
Lodge No. 26, I. O. O. F., at Lehi. During the services the
grief of the bereaved was very touching. Mr. and Mrs. Padfield
bore up wonderfully well under the circumstances, but the grief
of the wives of Samuel and Thomas was almost unbearable. Up to
the present time the body of Thomas Padfield had not been found,
but his wife attended the funeral of the other two brothers. It
was the saddest funeral ever witnessed in American Fork, and the
whole Town was in mourning. The services came to a close at 3:40
p. m., by the choir singing "Farewell All Earthly Honors."
Seventy carriages followed the remains to the cemetery. Flags
were all at half mast, and business houses were all closed
during the funeral services.
Samuel Padfield
David Padfield |
Source: History of the Scofield Mine
Disaster, by J. W. Dilley, The Skelton Pub. Co., Provo, Utah,
Editors Note: The I.. O. O. F. were very active in raising
money for the benefit of the widows and children along with the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This information is
included for historical value, it does not mean the people of
this project support these institutions.