Odd Fellows of Scofield Lodge No. 32
Who met their
death in Number Four mine at Scofield on May 1, 1900, in an
Charter Members |
William Parmley
John James
Charles Edwards |
Members |
Thomas John Hardee
David Padfield
Alex Wilson Jr.
William Goode
James J. Jenkins
Thomas Padfield
William Pugh
George Coulthard
T. H. Reilley
Roger B. Davis
Peter Sutherland
Lee Gourdin
Joseph Delclift
George Wilson |
Members of Other
Lodges |
Benjamin T. Lloyd
James Goode
Al. E. Watson
Members of No. 32, May 1, 1900
W. J. Warner, N. G.
Frank Mereweather, V. G.
A. J. Wilson, Secretary
Thomas Padfield, (deceased)
Leon Gourdin, (deceased)
Anthony Poshinger
James Pitman
T. H. Reilley, (deceased)
Enir Bjornson
John L. Price
Thomas J, Hardee, (deceased)
D. W. Murphy
Thomas Sellers, (injured)
Joseph Delclift, (deceased)
Alex Wilson Jr., (deceased)
F. Bearnson
J. E. Jameson
William L. Thomas
James W. Dilley
John W. W. Lloyd
John W. Lloyd
George W. Coulthard, (deceased)
Edwin L. Street, (deceased)
George Wilson, (deceased)
J. W. Armstrong
Byron Thompson
David Padfield, (deceased)
Wm. Pugh, (deceased)
Frank K. Smith
Neils Sandberg |
Liugi Chiodo
D. H. Bennett
W. E. Dickerson
J. J. McKinley
Rodger B. Davis, (deceased)
James J. Jenkins, (deceased)
William Goode, (deceased)
Gaetano Costeglione
Peter Sutherland, (deceased)
Thomas Phillip
David Phillips
Geo. M. Fitzsimmon,
David John Rowe
Arthur F. Redding
Chris K. Jensen
Goodman Thorstensen
George L. Jones
James Gorman
Frank Martz
John L. Wilson
Raphael Jachetto
Thomas Dumayne
James Naylor
John Sandberg
John C. Bell
Albert H. V. Sinden
Alexander Bartella |
On September 24, 1898, Grand Master John
M. Breeze, accompanied by Grand Secretary W. J. Moore and C. A.
Walker of Mystic Lodge twenty-two of Salt Lake, arrived in
Scofield for the purpose of instituting a lodge of I. O. O. F.
P. G., James P., Curtin, P. G., Wm.
Parmley, Charles Edwards, John James, and Robert Menzies, who
bad withdrawn from other lodges for the purpose of instituting a
lodge here in Scofield, were the Charter Members.
With this beginning Scofield Lodge
thirty-two I. O. O. F. was launched to join the innumerable
lodges of the order that are found in nearly every hamlet, town,
and city of these United States. The first officers elected
were, John James, N. G.; Robert Menzies, V. G.; Alex J. Wilson,
Secretary; George Fitzsimmons, Treasurer; James P. Curtin was
appointed D. D. G. M.
The same evening that the lodge was
instituted the following were initiated and put through the
other degrees.
Charter Members
Wm. Parmley
James P. Curtin
John James
Robert Menzies
Charles Edwards |
First Officers
John James, N. G.
Robert Menzies, V. G.
Andrew J. Wilson, Secretary
Thomas Padfield
Frank Mereweather
Thomas Sellers
Leon Gourdin
Joseph Delclift
Anthony Poshinger
Alex Wilson, Jr.
James Pitman
F. Bearnson
T. H. Reilley
J. E. Jamison
Enir Bearnson
William E. Thomas
John L. Price
James W. Dilley
Thomas J. Hardee
John W. Lloyd
George W. Coulthard
Edwin L. Street
George Wilson
David Phillips
George M. Fitzsimmons
After lodge closed, a banquet was served
at the French Hotel, then run by Brother Robert Menzies and
wife. After the banquet was served many were the toasts and
responses that were made by the Grand Lodge Officers, and the
new members all felt that the work of the evening was a grand
success, and that Odd Fellowship as taught in the different
degrees was grand and ennobling and that by following the
principles and charges one could not help but be raised to a
higher sense of duty to our fellow man.
The charge to care for the widows and
educate the orphans, however grand, did not at that time arouse
within us the same sense of duty that is now brought home to us.
How prone we were to consider this charge as an easy duty, for
the members were all young healthy specimens of true manhood,
who thought a long life of usefulness lay before them. But now,
alas, all is changed. The brothers who went into the mine on May
1, so light hearted and merry were destined to never look upon
the bright face of mother earth again in this life. Their life
work was finished and who can say their work was not done well.
Could we but pierce the veil that stands between his and our
beloved brothers and behold them as they must now appear in the
spirit world. Could we have the heart to wish them back with us
again, and though we now stand aghast, stunned by the calamity,
cannot we still say "The Lord's will be done." They have solved
the mystery that stands between the living and the dead, they
have solved the question of true fraternity. But while we revere
and honor the names of the departed brothers let us not forget
that the life work of those who are left is not yet finished.
Let us not forget those solemn obligations that we have, as
brothers, all taken. Let us not forget the widows who have been
left with us as a trust by our deceased brothers. Let us not
forget the tears of the fatherless, the orphans who are confided
to our care. Let us not forget that we will be called upon at
some time in the not far distant future to render up an account
of our stewardship, and shall it be said that we have been
remiss, that we have in any way betrayed our solemn obligations.
Brothers, the time for action is today, tomorrow does not belong
to us, then let us be up and doing for there are words of
comfort and cheer to be spoken to the lonely widow who sits by
her fireside, heartbroken and alone, words of comfort and cheer
to her who is left to fight life's battles for herself and her
little ones, words of comfort and cheer to the fathers and
mothers, who are now sitting in the twilight of the evening that
is fast coming on; they having lost the support and prop of
their declining years.
Thomas H. Reilley, N. G.
No. 32 Lodge at the time of death.
W. J. Warner, V. G.
Andrew J. Wilson, Secretary.
Does it mean
to stand in the lodge room and listen to the words that are read
from our ritual, to mechanically repeal obligations that bind us
together in a single Brotherhood, or does it not rather mean
that we are not bound for this life alone, but yea, even for
eternity? Does it not mean that we must stretch forth a hand to
those who may have fallen by the wayside too weak to battle
alone with the temptations of this world, to lay away in the
silent tomb the body of a departed brother with honor and
respect, to bury his imperfections and frailties with his dust,
and to remember all that was true, good and noble in his life,
to make his family our especial care, to teach his orphans not
only in matters pertaining to the noise and turmoil of this
life, but to point them to a higher, a nobler sphere, to so live
that they may say in the words of the immortal poet, William
Cullen Bryant:
"So live that
when thy summons comes to join
The innumerable caravan which moves
To that mysterious realm where each
shall take
His chamber in the silent halls of
Thou go not like the quarry slave at
Scourged to his dungeon; but,
sustained and soothed
By an unfaltering trust, approach thy
Like one who wraps the drapery of his
About him, and lies down to pleasant
Source: History of the Scofield Mine
Disaster, by J. W. Dilley, The Skelton Pub. Co., Provo, Utah,
Editors Note: The I.. O. O. F. were very active in raising
money for the benefit of the widows and children along with the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This information is
included for historical value, it does not mean the people of
this project support these institutions.