Diversity of Utah
We venture to
say that no state in the Union has such a diversity of
industries as has the State of Utah, today
The Wasatch and Oquirrh mountains
contain the most productive mines in the state, and although
mining did not begin until 1870 it is now the leading industry.
Every range in the State however
contains something in the way of minerals, and while gold and
silver are found in one or more ranges, coal and other
Hydrocarbons are found in others, while still in others lie the
different metals herein before mentioned. The export value of
gold, silver, copper and lead annually reaches the sum of twenty
millions of dollars.
Silver, which is usually found with
lead in the form of galena, is found in nearly every county in
the State.
The most important mining belts are
Park City, Eureka, Frisco, Bingham and Mercur. The largest
silver producing mine in the U. S. is the Ontario, at Park City,
which has paid in dividends nearly twenty millions of dollars.
The other large producing mines are
the Silver King, Daily Daily West, also situated at Park City.
In the Eureka Tintic mining district
are the Centennial Eureka, Bullion Beck and Mammoth mines, which
have also contributed rich dividends. In the Mercur mines gold
is the predominating mineral and the output reaches four hundred
thousand dollars in gold.
In the Bingham mining district the
main producing mines are the Highland Boy, United States, Dalton
and Lark and Galena, which owing to the advance in copper are
also pacing rich dividends.
Carbon County which was organized a
few years ago by being cut off of Emery County is the largest
producer of coal and Hydro Carbons of any County in the State.
The coal fields practically cover the entire county and can be
found in immense bodies in nearly every hill. In some places the
coal has burned out leaving the ashes covered by the overhanging
rock, but in most places the veins are easily uncovered. The
Pleasant valley Coal Company of which William G. Sharp is
manager, practically control the entire output of coal from this
County. This company has mines at Winter Quarters, Clear Creek,
Castle Gate and Sunnyside.
At Castle Gate are situated nearly
one hundred coke ovens, which are now being augmented by one
hundred more. The coal from Sunnyside being of good coking
quality is brought to Castle Gate to be coked as the supply of
water at Sunnyside is limited. Most of the work around the coke
ovens is done by Italians, who are most faithful and attentive
to this arduous task. In nearly every canyon outside of the
Pleasant Valley Coal Company's territory are private mines that
are worked for the local markets. Should this County ever be
fortunate enough to secure another railroad so that the coal
from these smaller mines could be shipped at reasonable rates,
it would be equally as wealthy as those counties that boast of
their silver, gold and copper. Probably the richest veins of
coal in the State is in the mine at Scofield, and owned by the
Union Pacific Railroad Co. This mine contains a vein averaging
27 feet in thickness, drains itself and needs no props to
support the roof. While the rooms are being mined pillars of
coal are left standing until the rooms are worked out and the
miner then draws the pillars as he works back to the entry. This
mine took fire seventeen years after and the old entry was
walled in by masonry to smother the fire. It is believed now
that the fire has been smothered. The last mine to be opened was
the one at Clear Creek, which is now a heavy producer. The
explosion of May 1st, took place in No. Four mine at Winter
Quarters, being, situated about 2 miles above Scofield. The
foreman William Parmley was one numbered among the dead.
Hardly any of the minerals of use to
man, but what can be found in the depths of the mountains, while
the bounteous soil being, watered by miles upon miles of
irrigating, streams, responds with food products for the
nourishment of man.
Vast herds of cattle roam the
countless hills and the many herds of sheep that feed upon the
mountain sides, contribute their vast wealth to the comforts of
the whole nation, and these products are sought by the people
that live in the larger cities of the east.
While the Counties of Carbon and
Summit produce annually over one million of dollars in coal,
they also produce cattle, horses and sheep in large numbers, and
the mines of Asphalt, Gilsonite and other Hydro Carbons are now
commencing to yield large amounts of these products. But while
the miners in these counties are delving in the bowels of the
earth for the many kinds of minerals, the former is plowing the
bosom of mother earth and causing her to give forth the fruits
and food products, of use to man.
Iron County, that now holds in
embrace of her mountains, Iron ore enough to supply the earth
for years and ages to come, will before long contribute her
millions to this commonwealth. The iron ore in Iron County
embraces a belt of mountain three miles wide by fifteen miles
long, along which the ore outcrops several hundred feet in
length and breadth.
If Texas, the greatest cattle
producing state in the Union could multiply her product by many
scores, still could the Great Salt Lake produce enough Salt to
properly take care if her beef. The Great Salt Lake, is
estimated to hold four hundred millions of tons of Salt in
solution, and nature, alone can render it fit for consumption.
Large reservoirs are built close to the lake and the water
pumped into each until filled. Evaporation goes on from these
reservoirs until the water has passed off, when a rich deposit
of salt is gathered and taken to the refinery to be cleaned and
prepared for shipment.
Rock salt that is placed upon the
hillsides by the cattlemen and sheepman, for use of their herds
and flocks is found in large quantities in Nephi, Juab Co.,
while gypsum in large deposits is close at hand.
In Millard County can tie found
enough sulphur to manufacture matches for the world, for sulphur
98 per cent pure is manufactured there, tons upon tons.
Wasatch and Uintah Counties now
mostly composed of Indian Reservation will when thrown open to
settlement, contribute their millions, produced from mines of
silver, gold and uintatite.
Utah, Cache and Weber Counties
contributed the beautiful onyx wainscoting that adorn the halls
of the City and County building in Salt Lake, while building
stones, clays and kaolin are found in immense quantities. Along
the Southwestern side of the lake is found lithographic stone
second to none, while selenite of most perfect transparency,
some crystals of which weigh 500 pounds is found in Wayne
County. Among the minerals are found, zinc, cinnabar, bismith,
cobalt, antimony, manganese, molybdenum, Alum, asbestos, borytes,
borax, mica, niter, petroleum, phosphates, plumbago, agates,
soda, talc.
But while the mountainous counties
yield so magnificently, and employ thousands of men in their
mines, still can the beautiful valleys produce food for them and
to spare.
Davis County with her acres of
gardens gives us fresh vegetables daily, and the county of Utah
more than furnishes our tables with the choicest of fruit. Utah
County furnishes the most fruit, but the counties of Box Elder
and Weber make close seconds.
Peaches, pears, plums; prunes,
apples, apricots, cherries, grapes and berries are exported in
large quantities from these counties.
The raising of beets for sugar, has
become one of the chief industries in the state. Sugar
refineries at Lehi and Ogden use over five hundred thousand
dollars worth of sugar beets annually. In the yield of potatoes
per acre, Utah stands second to none, her yield per acre in 1896
being 203 bushels.
Lucerne, wheat, barley, sorghum, rye,
corn and all kinds of vegetables are grown to advantage.
And not only in mining and
agriculture is Utah taking, a front rank but its manufactories
are of vast importance.
The people of this state have ever
tried to foster home industries and from small beginnings the
manufactories are now branching out and sending their products
to the surrounding states. Every mountain stream is being
utilized for power, and as the raw material is plentiful there
is no reason that the great manufacturing interests should not
rapidly spread so that their products can be seen in all marts
of trade.
The beet sugar factory at Lehi is
steadily advancing, and last year built a crushing mill for the
beets at Springville, from where the juice is pumped through
pipes to the refinery a few miles away.
The sugar from the Lehi factor
received first prize at the World's Columbian Exposition.
Woolen mills are situated in
different places, and the one at Provo has an output of $250,000
annually. Much of the woolen goods find a ready market in
California and other states.
The shoe factory of the Z. C. M, I.
at Salt Lake City finds employment for 200 operatives and has an
output of over $100,000 annually.
Flour mills, canneries, lime kilns,
charcoal ovens, coke ovens, machine shops, soap factories, saw
mills, shingle mills, tanneries, etc., are situated in various
parts of the State.
In the matter of education Utah is
rapidly forging ahead, and the little dark incommodious school
house is being replaced by more substantial buildings. In the
cities, fine brick and stone buildings, with all the modern
appliances for the health and comfort of the pupils have taken
the place of the one story building of wood. And well may it be
said that a finer lot of school buildings do not grace cities of
the East of greater population.
Dr. John R. Parks is Superintendent
of Education, and he with other prominent educators of the day
form the State Board of Education.
In the district schools the County
Superintendent of Schools is assisted by a County Board of
Education, consisting of the Superintendent and two others, one
of whom must be a practical teacher. The Superintendent is
elected at the time the Trusties are voted for in July and is
chosen for the term of two years, and he selects the two persons
to form the County Board of Education .
By strict examination and culling out
the poorer class of teachers the Counties in most instances have
a good first class corps of teachers, who have been well drilled
in educational methods and who are conscientious in performing
their duties.
The district schools are divided into
eight grades. Upon completing the eighth grade the pupils are
examined by the County Board of Education and those found
qualified are given a Diploma of Graduation. These Diplomas
entitle them to enter nearly all of the higher institutions of
learning without further examination. At least once every year
an Institute is held at which some of the most prominent
educators take part, and each teacher in the County is compelled
to attend. By these institutes which are held monthly in the
thickly populated districts the teachers are kept in touch with
the educational progress of the day and cannot fail to be
instructed and much benefitted thereby.
The State University at Salt Lake is
the leading institution of learning and owing to the generous
donation of the last Legislature it will soon have more
commodious buildings.
The State University conducts a
Normal School in connection with it. There is also a branch
Normal established at Cedar City in Iron County.
The State Agricultural College is
situated at Logan, and is quite popular among the youth who
desire higher education.
The Brigham Young Academy at Provo is
conducted for the education and benefit of all who wish to
attend, but is particularly useful in educating the children of
the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. It conducts a
course where missionaries are sent to learn the best methods of
conducting Sunday Schools and the Young Men's Mutual Aid
Society. Several hundreds of students attend this institution
during the year.
Among the many other institutions of
learning the following may be named: Brigham Young College,
Logan; the Weber Stake Academy, and The Sisters School. Ogden;
Rocky Mountain Seminary, All Hallows' College, Salt Lake
Academy, and St. Mark's School of Salt Lake.
The Rio Grande Western Railway with
its branches reach almost all parts of Utah, while the Union
Pacific, Oregon Short Line, and Central Pacific cross the
northern part of the State.
Source: History of the Scofield Mine
Disaster, by J. W. Dilley, The Skelton Pub. Co., Provo, Utah,
Editors Note: The I.. O. O. F. were very active in raising
money for the benefit of the widows and children along with the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This information is
included for historical value, it does not mean the people of
this project support these institutions.