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I.O.O.F ~ Resolutions of Condolence

It will be seen by the following Resolutions that the work of Fraternity is of a substantial character and that the charge to bury the dead, care for the widows and educate the orphans is not mere babble.

The Odd Fellows from everywhere are hastening to our aid, and the brothers of No. 32 cannot find words to express their gratitude to these noble brothers, who have not waited for aid to be requested, but have given from their means with a liberal hand at the first news of the disaster.

Such is true brotherhood, such is the composition of the noble ranks of Odd Fellows.

In the name of Scofield lodge No. 32, I. O. O. F., the author desires to tender to each and every one of the beloved brothers who have by their means, and words of condolence, softened the grief of the widows and orphans of our beloved order, and who have helped them to bear their burden of grief more patiently, his hearty thanks, hoping and trusting that a similar fate may never be theirs.

Hall of Kemmerer Lodge No. 31, I. O. O. F.

Kemmerer, Wyoming, May 5, 1900. To the Officers and Members of Scofield lodge No. 32, I. O. O. F., of Scofield, Utah.

At a regular meeting of the above lodge, it was unanimously
Resolved; That we, as your Brothers, extend to you our sincerest sympathy in this terrible bereavement, that it has pleased an "All-wise Father" to send you. We also extend our sympathy to the families of those Brothers who were so untimely taken from them.

Kemmerer lodge No. 31, has had but one month's existence and our financial condition is at its lowest ebb, otherwise we would extend our condolence in a more substantial form.

Hoping that your lodge will in time recover from this terrible disaster, and that by the softening influence of time the anguish of those who were near and dear to the departed may be in a degree mitigated.

Committee on Resolutions,
W. W. Brim,
William Edwards,
T. B. Rowe,
I. N. Freed,
Morgan Moore.

I. O. O. F. Temple Lodge No. 23, Manti, Utah.

Whereas, in view of the terrible catastrophe that has befallen the people of Scofield, by which Scofield lodge No. 32, I. O. O. F., has lost so many of its members,

Be it Resolved; That the heartfelt sympathy of Temple City lodge No. 23, I. O. O. F., be extended to Scofield lodge in their unparalleled affliction.

And be it further Resolved; That a copy of this Resolution be sent under the seal of the lodge to Scofield lodge.

By order of the lodge,
[Seal.] Bruce Cox, Secretary.

Richfield, May 8, 1900

To the Scofield Lodge No. 32, I. O. O. F.

Whereas, by the unspeakable calamity of Scofield, an inscrutable but all-wise providence has decreed that in our own community and throughout the state shall be heard the agonized wail and be felt the comfortless grief of those bereft of fathers, brothers, sons, husbands, and friends.

Whereas, by that unsearchable exigency, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows of Utah and especially of Scofield, is called upon to mourn the irreparable loss of dear brothers. Therefore to the widows, orphans, parents, husbands, and friends, so deeply afflicted, and to the Scofield Lodge of Odd Fellows, so irrecoverably bereft, the Richfield Lodge of Odd Fellows extends the heartfelt sympathy of men linked to all humanity by the lasting tie of an universal Brotherhood, and the deep condolence of weak mortals made strong by sworn belief in the All-wise Supreme Being.

Committee on Resolutions,
C. W. Collins,
E. E. Hoffman,
A. J. Moore,
William Johnstone,
John Meteer.

Robinson, Juab County, Utah, May 7, 1900

Whereas, Robinson Lodge No. 31 of I. O. O. F. in regular session has with profound sorrow learned of the shocking calamity by which the mines of the Pleasant Valley Coal Co. at Scofield, Utah, have been overcome, and whereas, many Odd Fellows in the Scofield horror have lost their lives, and their families have been bereft of their support,

Therefore be it resolved: That the heartfelt sympathy of the brothers of Robinson lodge No. 31 be extended to the bereaved ones, and that it is the further sense of this body that it will do all possible in its power to ameliorate the suffering of the afflicted.

And be it further Resolved; That a copy of this resolution be forwarded to Scofield lodge No. 32 I. O. O. F.

Joseph Treloar, N. G.
Wm. Hodges, Secretary
William Burrows, Trustee.

Resolutions of Condolence

Adopted By Mount Pleasant I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 20.

Whereas, It has seemed best to Almighty God to take from us seventeen of our beloved brothers from Scofield lodge No. 32, I. O. O. F.

Resolved; That the Noble Grand and brothers of Mount Pleasant lodge No. 20, sincerely and most affectionately sympathize with the families of deceased brothers, and commend them for consolation to Almighty God.

Resolved; That while we deeply sympathize with the families of our deceased brothers, we share with them the hope of a reunion in that better world where there are no partings.

Resolved; That the heartfelt sympathy of Mount Pleasant lodge No. 20, be extended to the families in their affliction, and these resolutions be spread on the record of the lodge and a copy be sent to the Noble Grand of Scofield lodge No. 32, I. O. O. F.

W. W. Woodring
Thomas Bruly
Martin Wright

The following named brothers have left families as follows:

William Parmley, aged 45, wife, Mary, aged 33; Maud, aged 12; William, aged 6.
John James, aged 41, wife, Phoebe M., aged 40; John H., aged 21; Mary M., aged 15; William E., aged 12; Edward A., aged 10; Prank J., aged 8.
Charles Edwards, aged 45, a wife, Sarah Jane Edwards, aged 43.
Thomas John Hardee, aged 26, wife, Annie, aged 19; no children.
Thomas Padfield, aged 22, wife, Alice D., aged 18.
William Pugh, aged 43, wife, Margaret, aged 43; David, aged 20; Mary Ann, aged 18; Thomas, aged 16; Debertha, aged 12; Elizabeth, aged 9; Alice, aged 5; Vivian, aged 2.
George Wilson, aged 25, wife. Sarah, aged 22; Annie, aged 4; William J., aged 2.
Thomas H. Reilley, aged 39, wife, Ada; Stephen, aged 9; Earll, aged 7; Mona, aged 3; Dorsey, aged 1.
Edwin Street, wife, Amy; Sarah Ann, aged 2; Gladys, aged, 9 months.
Lee Gourdin, aged 29, wife; Anna, aged 6, Flora, aged 5; Rosalin, aged 3.
James J. Jenkins, age 45, wife, Margaret, aged 44; Margaret A., aged 18.
Alex Wilson, Jr., aged 23, wife, Elizabeth, aged, 23; baby, Mary Belle, aged 11 days.


David Padfield, aged 25;
Joe Delclift, aged 40:
George Coulthard, aged 23;
Roger B. Davis, aged 22;
Peter Sutherland, aged 21;
Wm. Goode, aged 38.

Myrtle Branch Rebekah Lodge No. 12

In Scofield up to the time of the explosion no town in Utah could boast of a better or more progressive lodge than was Myrtle Branch Rebekah Lodge No. 12, I. O. O. F.

It was instituted by Grand Master Breeze and Grand Secretary, W. J. Moore.

The first officers were, Mrs. John James. N. G., Mrs. Charles Edwards. V. G., Miss Alice Pitman, Secretary; Mrs. James W. Dilley, Financial Secretary; Mrs. Frank Mereweather, Treasurer; Miss Mary J. Thomas, Chaplain.

They have proven a powerful aid to Scofield lodge No. 32, in assisting in the care of the sick. Many of our deceased brothers were members of the Rebekah Lodge, and their widows are now leaving Scofield and going to their relatives so that the Rebekah Lodge will almost be deserted.

The following members were initiated at the institution of the lodge.

Rebekah Charter Members, Independent Order of Odd Fellows

T. H. Reilley
Charles Edwards.
Wm. L. Thomas
W. L. Burrows
John James
A. J. Wilson
E. Bearnson
Frank Mereweather
Fanny Mereweather
Mary Murphy
Wm. Murphy
Sarah J. Edwards
Ada Reilley
Etta B. Douglas
Mary Jane Thomas
Helga Johnson
Hannah J. Rowe
S. L. Bearnson
Sinia Johnson
Rosina Rosser
Phoebe M. James
Lizzie G. Jones
Maria McGonigle
Alice Pitman
James W. Dilley
Anthony Poshinger
Florence Dilley
Ella Burgess

Of this number the following members perished on May 1, 1900.

T. H Reilley
Charles Edwards
John James
Joseph Delclift



Source: History of the Scofield Mine Disaster, by J. W. Dilley, The Skelton Pub. Co., Provo, Utah, 1900.

Editors Note: The I.. O. O. F. were very active in raising money for the benefit of the widows and children along with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This information is included for historical value, it does not mean the people of this project support these institutions.


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