Governor and Mine Inspector's Report
Governor Thomas Explains the
Scofield Disaster
Tells how the mine was blown up, but
fails to place the responsibility. State Inspector says black
powder caused the explosion.
June 3. -
Without attaching blame to anyone specially, and, in fact,
without fixing the responsibility in any manner for the terrible
disaster at the Winter Quarters mine on May 1, when 199 coal
miners lost their lives and seven others were injured. State
Coal Mine Inspector Gomer Thomas yesterday reported to Governor
Wells what he terms the nearest ascertainable cause of the
explosion, the results and the warnings to be heeded in the
Inspector's official report contains a list of the names of the
dead victims and of the injured ones, reported to him by
Assistant Mine Superintendent H. G. Williams, together with an
opinion from the Assistant Superintendent as to the cause of the
explosion which brought such great sorrow to hundreds of
families in Utah.
Thomas ascribes the cause of the disaster to the accidental
exploding of a keg of powder, the flame from which ignited the
kegs of powder and the explosive coal dust. While he believes
that the dust is not explosive under ordinary conditions, he has
recommended that the Coal Company keep the dust wet. Since the
reopening of the mine the Company has followed the Inspector's
advice. In the Inspector's report his declaration is cited that
no explosive coal gas exists in the Winter Quarters mine.
Text of Inspector's Report
The official
report of the State Inspector is as follows:
At about
10:25 on the morning of May 1, 1900, an explosion occurred at
the Winter Quarters coal mine, apparently originating in Number
Four mine, by which, according to the latest count after the
most careful checking, 199 men lost their lives and seven were
injured. One man came out of Number Four mine uninjured, and 103
came out of Number One uninjured. Most of the men in Number Four
mine were killed by force and heat of the explosion. All the men
in the first rise were suffocated by afterdamp, and more than
100 men in Number One mine were suffocated by the afterdamp
which swept down from Number Four mine.
"Number One
mine and Number Four mine are connected, and by reason of such
connection both mines suffered a loss by the one explosion.
"It seems,
from all the evidence available, that some person (Isaac Macki)
accidently ignited a keg of powder which caused the dust to
rise, thus igniting the dust and carrying the flames from room
to room from a point known as 'Pike's Peak,' and the immediate
vicinity thereof. I find that nine kegs of powder were exploded
near this place. Fourteen kegs of black powder exploded in other
parts of the mine, making a total of twenty-four kegs of black
powder exploded, thus adding great force to the explosion.
How the miners died.
"Along the
line where the powder exploded, all the bodies were badly
burned, more so than in any other part of the mine. From this
place the blast shot down along the main and main back entries,
and through all the rooms and entries of Number Four mine,
gathering all the combustibles, such as dust, powder, etc.,
within reach. Part of the blast shot out to the surface, through
Number Four mine tunnel and air shaft, and part went through
Number One mine. The part of the blast that went into Number One
mine soon lost its force, the heat only reaching as far down as
room No. 11, fourth rise, and room No. 7 of the sixth rise, but
did not reach the eighth rise.
A Group of Finlanders at the
Home of the Luoma Brothers
"There were
sixty men smothered by afterdamp. These men were found between
the seventh and eighth rises. They were not burned and only a
short distance from fresh air.
Many Could Have Saved Themselves
"All the men
working below the fourth level of the eighth rise entries
escaped and scarcely felt the shock. Only two men, working above
this point came out alive. They were David Uro and one other,
and were rescued three and one-half hours after the explosion
occurred. Uro, was working in room No. 11 of the eighth rise. He
remained in his room, not knowing an explosion had occurred, and
there being sufficient air in his place, his life was saved. All
the other men on this level hearing the explosion ran, trying to
make their escape, and encountered the after-damp, to which they
succumbed. I am of the opinion that had they remained in their
working places, or if they had gone down the eighth rise entry,
many of them would have been saved.
"The mine
Foreman having been killed and all those who were acquainted
with the location of the places where the men in Number Four
mine were working, having been killed, made it difficult to
rescue the men, as many places had caved and buried them up, and
also made it difficult to gain information as to the cause of
the explosion.
No Explosive Gas in Mine
"At no time
has there been known to exist in any of the Winter Quarters
mines, any explosive gases, before or since the explosion, were
the same as have been in existence for the past twenty years in
the Winter Quarters mines Numbers One, Two, Three, and Four.
These mines are all on the same vein of coal.
"In the year
1899, four thousand four hundred kegs of black powder were used
in mining coal in the Winter Quarters mines. It has always been
a practice for each miner to take his powder into the mine by
the keg. Not alone in these mines has this been the practice,
but in nearly all of the mines of the different states, and this
has been done regardless of dust or other surrounding dangers.
"It is my
opinion that the dust in the Winter Quarters mine is not of a
very explosive nature, as we find that there have been hundreds
of windy or blown-out shots in the mines, with no serious
results heretofore. In one case John D. Jones accidentally
exploded three quarters of a keg of black powder, and the dust
did not ignite. This was in mine number three, which mine
developed as much dust as the one that exploded. It is connected
with Number four, being, a continuation of the same seam of
"For the
safety of the miners in the future I have recommended that not
more than six and a quarter pounds of powder be allowed to be
taken into the mine by any one miner.
"I have also
suggested to the company that they put a watering system in all
the Winter Quarters mines, so that every place can be sprinkled.
This the company has done, and Number One mine has started to
work under the new rules which I have recommended. This will
make the work safer, as the sprinkling lays the dust, and there
will be a great deal less quantity of powder in the mine.
"I have
submitted samples of coal and dust taken from these mines for
analysis, but have not received the returns. I will, however,
submit the returns later."
Supposition of Probabilities
In Inspector
Thomas' report reference is made to the statements of Assistant
Mine Superintendent Williams, under date of May 25, as follows:
"The cause
and origin of the explosion are not yet definitely known.
Investigation is still pending. The fact that the mine foreman
and most of the men who were in Number Four mine at the time of
the explosion were killed, makes it difficult to get exact
evidence. No explosion gas is known to have been seen in any of
the Winter Quarter mines, either before or since the explosion.
The methods of mining at the time of the explosion were the same
as have been in practice for the past twenty years in Winter
Quarters Numbers One, Two, Three, and Four mines, which are all
on the same vein of coal.
"Investigation thus tar leads to the supposition that the
explosion probably originated from an accidental discharge of
black powder, and was augmented by coal dust. The explosion
seems to have spread from the upper part of Number Four mine
entirely through that mine and through into the rise entries of
Number One mine, the after-damp extending some distance beyond
the force of the explosion. Many of the deaths in Number One
resulted from this after-damp. From the lower levels in Number
One mine about one hundred three workmen escaped uninjured.'"
Results of Examination
to the state inspector's report is a lengthy typewritten recital
of the examination of the damaged coal mine by Inspector Thomas,
Mine Superintendent Thomas J. Parmley, Assistant Superintendent
Williams, and Robert Forrester and George W. Snow, expert mining
engineers. The supplemental report made of the mine details the
condition in which every part of the mine was found after the
explosion. Every room and opening was explored and the effects
of explosion and fire noted.
At several
designated places it was found that the flame produced by the
burning coal dust, ignited by the explosion of powder in the
first instance, had exploded kegs of powder in rooms long
distances from the originating point. In such places and along
the path of fatal flame and heat, accompanied by terrific force,
had coked the coal, charred the timber props or stewed the
latent sap to the surfaces and had caused a mighty overturning
and wrecking of thing's movable and the caving of unsupported
In the rises,
crosscuts and levels off the main and back entries the examiners
found, invariably, undisputed evidences of explosive forces
having been at work, with occasional demonstrations of flame and
excessive heat, but as a rule the kegs of powder stored in the
rooms not connected directly with the main entry were not
exploded, although they had been touched by the heat and flame.
Giant Powder Found
All along it
was believed that fifty-six sticks of giant powder had also
exploded, but Inspector Thomas yesterday received a telegram
from Scofield saying the dynamite sticks had been found, thus
upsetting the theory' that the giant had contributed to the
awful force of the explosion.
Officers of the Pleasant Valley
Coal Company.
Wm. G. Sharp,
General Manager.
H. G. Williams, Assistant Manager.
T. J. Parmley, Superintendent of
Winter Quarters.
Andrew Hood, Foreman in Number One.
Andrew J. Gilbert, Night Foreman in
Number One.
William Parmley, (deceased) Foreman
in Number Four.
I. M. Beatie, Superintendent of
Wasatch Store.
Source: History of the Scofield Mine
Disaster, by J. W. Dilley, The Skelton Pub. Co., Provo, Utah,
Editors Note: The I.. O. O. F. were very active in raising
money for the benefit of the widows and children along with the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This information is
included for historical value, it does not mean the people of
this project support these institutions.