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Biological of Lodge Members

Charles Edwards

Charles Edwards was born in England, July 27, 1856. He was married in London to Miss Sarah Jane Hollands, eighteen years ago. His widow alone, survives him.

He was one of the Card members who established Scofield lodge No. 32, I. O. O. F., he having withdrawn from Coalville lodge No. 28, I. O. O. F., for the purpose of organizing No. 32. He has served in the office of Treasurer, Right Supporter and Guardian.

Brother Edwards, while of a conservative disposition, made many friends both among the lodge members and the business men of the town.

His presence will be sadly missed for a more zealous, conscientious and faithful brother does not exist.

William Parmley

Brother William Parmley, who lost his life in Number Four mine explosion, was foreman of that mine at the time of the accident. He had had charge of Number Four from the time of its commencement, and was considered by all to be one of the most able foreman in the State.

The men who died with him were all the immediate friends of the dead foreman and cherished a love for him that is rarely, if ever, seen between employers and employed.

He was one of the Charter members of No. 32, and was appointed D. D. G. M. one year ago.

Rathbone lodge No. 9 also claim him as one of the followers of Damon and Pythias, and his love for Pythiamsm was most marked.

Always willing to help a brother in distress, always ready by advice and counsel to further the interests of his beloved orders.

He was also a member of the Masonic order.

John Evan James

Brother John James was born in Staffordshire, England, forty-one years ago, and leaves a wife and six children to survive him.

He was a Charter member of No. 32, having withdrawn from No. 28, of Coalville, in order to make one of the five necessary to form a new lodge.

He was our first Noble Grand, and has been a member of the building committee. At the last regular election he was chosen as a County Commissioner, and has served with distinction on the Board of Commissioners.

He has always been an ardent worker in the ranks of Odd Fellows and will be sadly missed in our lodge meetings.

Thomas H. Reilley

Thomas H. Reilley was born at Wilkes Barre, Luzerne Co., Pennsylvania, on the fifth day of November, 1859. He was married to Miss Ada Hister, at Vanmeter, Iowa, and leaves a widow and four children, named respectively, Stephen, Earll, Mona, and a baby named Dorsey.

He joined Scofield lodge No. 32, I. O. O. F., at the time of its institution, by initiation, and has served the lodge as Chaplain, Treasurer, Vice Grand, and was, at the time of his death, Noble Grand of lodge No. 32.

Brother Reilley was among the most active members, never missing a meeting, unless his work made it obligatory. He was also a member of Myrtle Branch Rebekah lodge No. 12.

John & Sandy Wilson

John Wilson was the driver who took the empties from the top of the incline at Number Four, to the first switch inside the mine, where he would find a trip of loaded cars gathered from different parts of the mine by the other drivers. His duty was to bring these loads out to the incline and take the empties in. During one shift he would average thirty-five trips.

When the explosion took place he was just going into the tunnel with his empty cars, and the force of the explosion blew him eight hundred and twenty feet, by actual measurement, to the bottom of the dump. His skull was crushed and he suffered internal injuries, but owing to a strong, iron constitution he is recovering rapidly.

He is a member of No. 32 lodge, being K. S. to the Vice Grand.

His brothers, James, Willie and Alexander, lost their lives, while his father is confined to the hospital, he having sustained serious injuries.

Alexander Wilson (Sandy)

Brother Alexander Wilson, who lost his life in the mine explosion at Scofield, Utah on May 1, 1900, belonged to No. 32, having joined at the institution of the lodge.

He leaves a young babe and widow, he having been married only one year.

His baby at the time of the explosion being only three days old.

His wife lost husband, brother and some eleven relatives.

David Padfield

Brother David Padfield one of the youngest members of No. 32 met his death in the mines at Winter Quarters May 1, 1900.

He was unmarried and was the main stay in the support of his aged father and mother who were bereft of three sons Sam, David, and Thomas by this catastrophe. They were buried at American Fork, Utah where their parents reside.

Robert Menzies

Brother Robert Menzies was born in England.

He has served No. 32 as Vice Grand, Noble Grand, and trustee and is at present devoting his whole lime to the erection of the new I. O. O. F. hall. He is one of the members of the building committee.

He joined No. 32 as a charter member he having withdrawn from Coalville lodge No. 28, He is now one of the main stays of No. 32 and at last meeting of the Grand Lodge was appointed D. D. G. M.

W. J. Warner

W. J. Warner, Noble Grand of Scofield lodge No. 32, I. O. O. F., he being elected to fill the vacancy caused by the death of T. H. Reilley, was born at Chickaby Falls, Massachusetts, September 5, 1862.

He was initiated ten years ago into Fidelity lodge No. 17, of Salt Lake and withdrew last year to join No. 32 as he was working in Scofield. He has rapidly advanced in the work of the order and is well posted on the degree work.

George Fitzsimmons Thomas John Hardee  

A. J. Wilson

Brother A. J. Wilson was born in Scotland October 28, 1869. He was initialed in Scofield lodge No. 32 at the time of institution and was most active in securing names to commence the lodge.

He was the first Secretary, and has filled the offices of Treasurer, Vice Grand, Noble Grand, and Past Grand, and is now Secretary. To know brother Wilson is to respect him for his untiring zeal, and love of the order.

By his labor and energy Myrtle Branch No. 12 Rebekah lodge was instituted, and of which he is now a member.

Brother Wilson has assisted greatly on the building committee, and our new hall is a monument to him and his colleagues.

William L. Burrows

William L. Burrows was born in Salt Lake, Utah, September 29, 1857

He joined No. 32 at time of institution by initiation. He has served the lodge in different capacities and is now Chairman of Board of Trustees.

He is of a steady quiet disposition and has been working steadily looking after the widows and orphans of our deceased members who look upon him as a true friend.

James W. Dilley

James W. Dilley was born at Wilkes Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, November 3, 1861, and was educated at "Wyoming Seminary and Commercial College" of Kingston, Pennsylvania, and later graduated from the Bloomsburg State Normal School of Pennsylvania being a member of the class of '82.

He has followed the profession of teacher and is employed as principal of the Scofield Public School, having retained that position for three years. He is also Town Clerk of Scofield Town.

He was delegated by the fraternal societies of Scofield to compile a record from the papers etc., and to give as complete a record as possible of the brothers who met their death in the mine explosion of May 1, 1900.

He joined No. 32, I. O. O. F. at the time of its institution and was elected twice to the office of Secretary. On account of having so much to look after outside of his school duties it has been impossible for him of late to attend to the duties of the lodge.



Source: History of the Scofield Mine Disaster, by J. W. Dilley, The Skelton Pub. Co., Provo, Utah, 1900.

Editors Note: The I.. O. O. F. were very active in raising money for the benefit of the widows and children along with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This information is included for historical value, it does not mean the people of this project support these institutions.


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