Aid from Knights of Pythias & A.O.U.W.
Rathbone Lodge No. 9
Endowment Rank
Knights, who
belonged to Rathbone lodge No. 9, Knights of Pythias, who gave
up their lives in the mine explosion on May 1, 1900 at Scofield,
Robert Ferrish
James J. Jenkins
John Hunter
John Lloyd
Daniel Pitman
John Pitman
John R. Price
William Parmley |
Frank Strange
William C. Reese
Joseph S. Thomas
John Webber
James Ferrins
S. J. Padfield
S. W. Clark |
lodge No. 9 Knights of Pythias, at Scofield was one of the most
flourishing of the Pythian Lodges of the State. It had
forty-four enthusiastic, big hearted fellows with funds for its
ordinary needs.
A number of
its members had just formed an incorporation, the Fraternal
Building Association of Scofield and Winter Quarters, and had
completed arrangements to erect a handsome two story building,
half way between the railway station at Scofield and the company
store at Winter Quarters, between which two points nearly all
the cottages of the mine and railway employees are situated.
The building
was arranged for entertainments on the ground floor, with ample
stage room for the ordinary play. The upper floor was arranged
for a lodge room with ante rooms, reception rooms and a banquet
room. The building completed would have cost about three
thousand dollars. Two thirds of this amount was subscribed when
the awful accident occurred, which not only took away some of
the biggest subscribers, but also many of the most active in all
the affairs of the lodge. Fourteen of its members, loyal hearted
and kind, were swept away in a breath leaving many widows and
orphans. The grand lodge officers came at once with words of
sympathy and hope; The lodge bylaws provides for $60 benefit to
be paid in case of death which alone amounts to $780 and that
amount is increased almost as much more by the needs of widows
and orphans. The Grand Chancellor Fred W. Gardiner, addressed a
letter to the other lodges in the domain and is assured that
this money will be supplied at once by them.
Four of the
dead brothers, John Webber, John Hunter, William C. Reese, and
James J. Jenkins were members of the endowment rank of the
order, with five hundred dollars in the case of Brother Jenkins,
and one thousand dollars to each of the other three.
one-half of the members of this lodge carry the insurance
provided by the order.
The other
dead are Robert Ferrish, John Lloyd, Daniel Pitman, John Pitman,
John R. Price, William Parmley, Frank Strang, Joseph S. Thomas,
and Jas. Ferrins. There were three other Knights of Pythias
killed who were not members of the local lodge.
The Pythians
were at once among the most active in searching for the bodies
and caring for the recovered dead, and ministering' to the needs
of the stricken relatives.
Saturday from
early morning they began conveying, the dead to the busy
cemetery on the hill, and the beautiful Pythian service was
repeated around the graves many times, both morning and
The brothers
throughout the domain are urged to render assistance both
instant and ample.
Strong Appeal Issued To Knights
By Grand Chancellor
Chancellor Gardiner of the Knights of Pythias, has issued a
strong appeal to the Pythian lodges of the domain of Utah, to
contribute to a fund now being raised by the order for the
relief of the widows and orphans of the Knights of Rathbone
lodge No. 9, who were killed at Scofield. A number of Knights
from Ogden, Salt Lake City, Bingham, Park City, and Provo will
go down to Scofield on this morning's train to represent the
order at today's funerals, and Grand Chancellor Gardiner said
last night that it was his understanding that there would be a
union service, in which all of the fraternal orders which had
members among the dead, would join.
The four K. of P. lodges of the city
will also send a handsome floral wreath to Scofield today.
Rocky Mountain lodge No. 2, K.
of P., Salt Lake
Mountain lodge No. 2, K. of P., Salt Lake, which met last night,
raised $150, thus heading the K. of P. contribution. This lodge
also appointed a committee consisting of William Hearst, George
Yedder, John Heil, T. M. Patton, Frances Mitchell, Thomas Hobday,
and Sig Simon to solicit subscriptions from its members.
The grand chancellor said the
information furnished the press that there were no lodges at
Scofield and Castle Gate was incorrect, and that at Scofield
there was a lodge of forty-five members, sixteen of whom are
reported among the killed by the explosion.
Members of the Maccabees stated
yesterday, that if there were any of their order among the
killed, they did not know of it.
Salt Lake Valley lodge No. 12 of
the A. O. U. W.
Salt Lake
Valley lodge No. 12 of the A. O. U. W. at last night's meeting
appointed A. J. Young, E. J. Petty, and George A. Tuckfield as
the committee to represent their lodge at tonight's A. O. U. W.
conference, and Temple lodge No. 15 which meets tonight, will
appoint its conference committee the first thing so that the
committees of the three lodges will be able to act together.
John R. Price |
J. Evan Jones |
Distributing The Flowers
Boys from Provo, who volunteered to assist at Scofield
A prominent
member of the Woodmen said yesterday, that he knew of none of
his order among the killed, and that if a member of the order
went into coal mining he ran the risk of invalidating his
Biographical of Knights of
Frank Mereweather, Past C. C.
Frank Mereweather, Past Chancellor of
Rathbone Lodge No. 9 Knights of Pythias was born in England May
1, 1864. He is at present the managing partner of Mereweather
and Earll, and although he has been a miner for seven years, he
has made his business, second to none in Scofield. He is also
Vice Grand of No. 32 and has served as R. S to Noble Grand and
Conductor. Having joined No. 32 at the institution of the lodge
he has filled his different offices with credit to himself and
to his lodge.
At the time of the explosion he was
president of the Fraternal Building Association.
Brother Mereweather has filled nearly
all of the responsible positions in the community and has given
the best of satisfaction to the people of Scofield. Being a
member of the Board of School Trustees, he has by the judicious
handling of the school fund, placed the district out of debt,
and has assisted in placing the public school of Scofield upon a
higher plane, and raising the standard of education until
Scofield now boasts of her public school.
Evan Jones
Evan Jones, son of Lewis Jones of
Winter Quarters is a member of Rathbone Lodge No. 9. When the
call for volunteers was made, Evan was one of the first to
respond from this place. He enlisted in "Torrey's Rough Riders,"
but was sent home sick. His two younger brothers were killed in
the explosion.
It was of such brave men as Evan that
the Army of the United Stated was composed, and not alone on the
battle field did his heroism take place but in the annals of
history no braver or more manly deed was performed than was
performed by this brave boy. At the time of the explosion being
in the mine and realizing the danger, he gathered the body of
his best friend, David Padfield, who had already succumbed to
the deadly gas, upon his shoulder and his younger brother Willie
Jones under his arm and started for the mouth of the mine where
they might be resuscitated. In the hurry and excitement of his
flight, his lamp became extinguished and catching his foot in
one of the rails, and stumbling forward lost his grasp upon the
bodies he was carrying. His ankle was wrenched and not being
able again to resume his load staggered forward alone, now
suffering from his injured limb, and feeling the effects of the
deadly damp upon himself. By frantic efforts he overcame the
damp, reaching the mouth of the mine, alive where he was
assisted by loving hands to his home.
His friend that he had so bravely
tried to rescue and his two brothers were
removed from the mine later, dead.
John R. Price
John R. Price a young member of Rathbone
Lodge No. 9, was a driver in the mine at Winter Quarters.
He was a son of Marshal John L. Price and was much respected in
the community on account of his genial disposition, always
having a smile and a word of joy for everyone.
List of
Benefits paid through the country by Knights of Pythias, 1899
Garrett H. Scott, Marvell, Arkansas
Robert S. Dunn, Jonesboro, Arkansas
Livingston Spofford, Amesburg, Massachusetts
Daniel P. Porter, Jackson, Mississippi
Percy E. Cleveland, Nashville, Tennessee
Etienne Ghirardi, Houma, Louisiana
George D. Shelton, Vicksburg, Mississippi
John V. Burman, Meridian; Mississippi
Samuel Zeigler, Salt Lake City, Utah
Samuel O. Cupples, Chelsea, Massachusetts
Julius Lowenthal, Mobile, Alabama
Jacob Renner, Bessemer, Louisiana
William C. Falkes, Live Oak, Louisiana
Napoleon L. Guice, Meridian, Mississippi
Thomas L. Leeper, Breckenridge, Missouri
James Benson, Brooklyn, New York
John G. Schleber, Rochester, New York
Nathan Simon, New York, New York
John Steel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Robert F. Donaldson, Statesboro, Georgia
Jonathan F. Taylor, Carbondale, Illinois
Henry C. Haskell, Albany, New York
Henry V. Meacham, Sidon, Mississippi
Henry C. Schwahu, Eau Claire, Wisconsin
George H. Patty, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
Bertram W. Culver, Onarga, Illinois
John W. C. Parker, Linnville, Tennessee
Frederick R. Shedd, Poughkeepsie, New York
Marshall K. Key, Helena, Arkansas
Frank M. Merrill, Trucker, California
Samuel T. Shepard, Central Mills, Alabama
Charles A. Davidson, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Joseph B. Shepherd, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Henry E. Hart, Carthage, Tennessee
William F. Gallon, Peekskill, New York
Howel H. Homes, Greenville, Mississippi
Wayne C. Morgan, Russellville, Arkansas
Jacob Kahn, Pensacola, Florida
Henry W. Burr, Boston, Massachusetts
James F. Brown, Aberdeen, Mississippi
Peter Stecker, New York, New York
Charles A. Bailey, Nashville, Tennessee
Hugh Miller, Des Moines, Iowa
James F. Gordon, Indianapolis, Indiana
James Lee, Newton, Mississippi
George Goerlich, St Louis, Missouri
Christ Steinhouser, Pittsburg, Kansas
Philip Fitz, Brookville, Indiana
William B. Dame, Macon, Georgia
Charles M. Parish, Louisville, Kentucky
Julius Thurm, Washington, D. C
William Davis, Butte, Montana
Robert B. Epperson, Clarksville, Texas
Edward Lord, Jersey City New Jersey
Henry Clark, Weymouth, Massachusetts
Rueben B. Loryea, Manning, South Carolina
John A. Schaffer, Vicksburg, Mississippi
Oliver Eastland, Forest, Mississippi
Ward Smith, Mansfield, Ohio
James W. Hall, Toledo, Ohio
Frederic C. Oppe, Galveston, Texas
Ellery Radell, Somerville, Massachusetts
William F. Henry, Humboldt, Tennessee
Charles A. Elder, Trenton, Tennessee
Reuben M. Arnold, Meadville, Pennsylvania
John G. McNair, Scotch Plains, N. J.
Jefferson B. Graham, Galveston, Texas.
Alfred W. Fairburn, Milton, Florida
Amos G. Kenyon, Seneca Falls, New York
Henry Jacob, New Orleans, Louisiana
Samuel Johnson, Elmira, New York
Joseph B. Browning, Montgomery, Alabama
Source: History of the Scofield Mine
Disaster, by J. W. Dilley, The Skelton Pub. Co., Provo, Utah,
Editors Note: The I.. O. O. F. were very active in raising
money for the benefit of the widows and children along with the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This information is
included for historical value, it does not mean the people of
this project support these institutions.