Utah County, Utah ~ Farmers & Merchants
~ Surname U - V
Abbreviations used in these
A - acres
mi - miles
Fmly - Family (number)
PO - Post Office
RFD - Rural Free Delivery
E - East
N - North
S - South
W - West
NE - Northeast
NW - Northwest |
American Fork - Am Fork
Goshen - Goshen
Lehi - Lehi
Mapleton - Mapleton
Payson - Payson
Pl Grove - Pleasant Grove
Provo - Provo
Salem - Salem
Santaquin - Santaquin
Spanish Fork - Sp Fork
Spgvl - Springville |
Underwood Wm, Thistle, land owner.
Valient Mary E Wood, Spgvl, 10A in
Hobble Creek, 5A in Sp Creek. Pasture land.
Vanausdale G S, Santaquin, 40A 3 mi NW, 40A adj. Wheat. Fmly 6.
Vanausdale Robert L, Santaquin, 26A 1½ mi SW Wheat.
Vanausdale Wm M, Santaquin, 3A in city limits. Peaches, White
Leghorn chickens, eggs, Fmly 6 .
Vance H M. PI Grove, 1½A 3 blks S. Potatoes, peaches. Fmly 6.
Vance Jas Wesley, Am Fork, 45A ½ mi W Alpine. Wheat, corn,
alfalfa, oats, Holstein and Range cattle. Fmly 8.
Vance Mrs. J L. Am Fork, 50A 4 mi N. General farming. Fmly 8.
Vance John A, Provo RFD 1, Box 199, 9A 6 mi NT Cherries,
peaches, raspberries. Fmly 5.
Van Gundy W C, Provo, 695 E 4 S, 3A 1 mi S. Apples, peaches.
Fmly 2.
Van Lenvan John E, Spgvl, 5A 4 mi SE. Wheat. Fmly 4.
Vain Joseph Sr, Spgvl, 33A ½ ml SW. Hay, wheat, oats.
Varney Ezra, Lehi, 50A in city limits. Mixed farming. Fmly 5.
Varney Ezra T, Lehi, 45A 1 ml E. Silver Club wheat, Russian
White oats, alfalfa, beets, Idaho Rural and Russet potatoes.
Fmly 7.
Varney G W, Am Fork, 2A 1 blk N. Family garden.
Vest W M, Payson, rents 22A owned by Hyrum Lemons. Alfalfa,
Vestley Chas, Fairfield, homestead 320A 10 mi S. Dryland wheat,
Vincent E V, Provo, 753 W 4 S, phone 267-W, 12A ½ mi S, 18A 1½
mi SW, 17A 2½ mi NW, Pasture, apples, hay, beets. Fmly 4.
Vincent Daniel, Provo RFD 1, Box 3, 30A 1 mi W, Beets, grain,
potatoes, fruits. Fmly 2.
Vincent Danl L, Provo, 15A 2 mi W. Apples, wheat, beets.
Vincent John. Provo, 313 S 6 W, 10A 1 mi SW. Beets. Fmly 3.
Vincent John G, Provo, 3135 6 W, 10A 2 mi SW, rents 6A owned by
Dave Vincent. Beets. Fmly 3.
Vincent D P, Provo RFD 1, Box 4, 12A 1 mi W. Grain, potatoes,
beets, chickens, eggs. Fmly 8.
Vincent Mary M, Provo, 413 S 6 W, 9A 1 mi W. Beets, grain, hay.
Vincent Sidney, Provo, 488 S 8 W, 18A 2½ mi SW. rents 10A owned
by Thomas Leonard. Beets. Fmly 3.
Vincent Willard James, Sp Fork, 75A 3 mi SE. Beets, oats,
alfalfa. Fmly 10.
Vincent Willard James Jr. Sp Fork, 20A 3 mi SE. Beets, wheat.
Fmly 3.
Utah County Gazetteer
| Utah
Source: Farmers and Merchants Directory,
Utah County, Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1916.