Utah County, Utah ~ Farmers & Merchants
~ Surname L
Abbreviations used in these
A - acres
mi - miles
Fmly - Family (number)
PO - Post Office
RFD - Rural Free Delivery
E - East
N - North
S - South
W - West
NE - Northeast
NW - Northwest |
American Fork - Am Fork
Goshen - Goshen
Lehi - Lehi
Mapleton - Mapleton
Payson - Payson
Pl Grove - Pleasant Grove
Provo - Provo
Salem - Salem
Santaquin - Santaquin
Spanish Fork - Sp Fork
Spgvl - Springville |
Ladd George C, Provo RFD .1, Box 185,
15A 7 mi NW, rents 10A owned by C M Medham. Apples, peaches.
Fmly 4.
LaGrange F L, Am Fork, 30A in city limits. Elberta peaches,
Jonathan apples, black cherries, alfalfa, wheat, barley, oats,
strawberries, raspberries. Fmly 2.
Lamb J H, Salem, 1½A ½ mi N. Garden truck. Fmly 8.
Lambert Geo C, Salt Lake City, 120A 2 mi NE Alpine. Peaches,
Lant John T, Payson, phone 61-M, 100A 2 mi SW. Beets, alfalfa,
cattle and sheep feeding. Fmly 7.
Larsen Antrice, Am Fork. 90A 3 mi N. Elberta peaches, wheat,
Larsen C P, PI Grove, 26A 1 mi N. Wheat, oats, beets. Fmly 6.
Larsen Danl, Provo RFD 1, Box 229, 185A 7 mi NW. Peaches,
apples. Fmly 10.
Larsen Joseph, PI Grove, 20A 1 mi N. Beets, alfalfa. Fmly 2.
Larsen Mary C, Spgvl, 40A 3 mi SE, rented to J S Larson.
Alfalfa, wheat, beets. Fmly 7.
Larsen N A, Am Fork, 87A 4 mi N. Wheat, oats, alfalfa. Fmly 6.
Larsen N P, Sp Fork, 12A 3 mi E, 20A 1½ mi W. Beets, alfalfa,
wheat, oats.
Larson A L, Spgvl RFD 1, 5A 1 mi N, 40A 4 mi SE. Beets, grain,
Larson Alfred, Payson, 5A 1 mi W. Wheat. Fmly 2.
Larson August, Provo RFD 1, Box 178, 5A 7 mi NW. Strawberries.
Fmly 5.
Larson C J, PI Grove, phone 54-J, 27A ¾ mi N. General farming.
Larson Geo W, PI Grove, 1A 6 blks SE. Potatoes, corn. Fmly 6.
Larson Hans, Sp Fork, 40A 2 mi NE. Alfalfa, beets.
Larson Henry, Am Fork, 35A 4 mi N. General farming. Fmly 2.
Larson Hyrum, Provo RFD 1, Box 232, 22½A 7 mi NW, rents 20A
owned by Charles J Sandberg. Elberta peaches, apples, beets,
hay. Fmly 6.
Larson James, Santaquin, 14A 1 mi NE. Hay, wheat, oats. Fmly 3.
Larson Joseph, Sp Fork, 15A ½ mi W, 5A ½ mi E, 9A 3 mi SW. Beef
cattle, beets.
Larson J S, Spgvl, rents 40A 3 mi SE owned by Mary C Larsen.
Alfalfa, wheat, beets.
Larson Leslie, Am Fork, 1A 2 blks N. Orchard grass, clover. Fmly
Larson Marinus, Sp Fork, 13A ½ mi NW, 47A 3 mi NW, 5A 2½ mi NE.
Beef cattle, wheat, oats.
Larson Ole, Thistle, land owner.
Larson P C, PI Grove, 2A 6 blks NE. Raspberries, peaches. Fmly
Larson Mrs. Thomas, PI Grove. P O Box 61, 150A 1 mi SE. Alfalfa,
wheat, large and small fruits. Fmly 6.
Latta J W, Provo RFD 1, Box 152, 5A 5 mi NW. Elberta peaches,
pears, prunes, sweet cherries. Fmly 2.
Lauritson J H, Salem, 40A 3 mi S. Wild hay, oats. Fmly 2.
Law C O, Spgvl RFD 1, 34A 4½ mi SE, rents 5 A owned by Wm Smith,
Spgvl. Beets, alfalfa, wheat, cattle, hogs, Black Java chickens.
Law Mark A, Spgvl, rents 20A 1 mi NE owned by John Whiting.
Beets, livestock.
Law Ray E, Spgvl RFD 1, 28A 4½ mi SE. Hay, wheat, cattle, beets.
Lawhorn J W, Provo RFD 1, Box 219, 10A 6½ mi NW. Fruit, peaches.
Fmly 8.
Lawson Martin, Provo, 660 E 3 N, 3½A ½ mi NE. Pasture, garden
truck. Fmly 2.
Leavitt Chas, Provo RFD 2, 3A 2 mi SE. Raspberries, peaches.
Fmly 4.
LeBaron Geo W & Sons, Santaquin, 644A 7 mi NW. Beef cattle,
Lee Arnold, Spgvl, 1A 3 mi SE. Peaches.
Lee Daniel K, Colton, land owner.
Lee Eunice, Payson, 1½A 1 mi SW. Garden truck, apples. Fmly 1.
Lee J A, Mapleton, Box 93, phone 216-J-2, 6A. Beets, alfalfa,
Elberta peaches, Percheron horses, cattle, hogs.
Lee J H, Spgvl RFD 1, phone 214-J-l, 35A 3½ mi SE, 40A 4 mi N
Thistle, rents 11A 3½ mi SE owned by Geo J Milne. Beets, mixed
Lee T A, Am Fork, 1A 3 blks S. Potatoes, corn. Fmly 5.
Lee Theodore, Sp Fork, phone 134, 5A 3 mi S Spgvl. Peaches,
bees, dairying.
Leek Samuel, Thistle, land owner.
Leethan H C, Provo, 288 S 5 W, 15A 2 mi W. Beets and potatoes.
Leonard Thos, Provo, 698 S 2 W. 10A 3 mi W, 6½A 1 mi S, 160A in
Cedar Valley. Small fruit. Fmly 5.
Lervort F, Payson phone 3S-M, 113A 2½ mi S, 13A 2 mi E, 138A 2
mi NW. Wheat, beets, hay, oats. Fmly 8.
Lerwell Jas, Payson, 1A 1 mi SW. Garden truck. Fmly 3.
Lerwell Thos, Payson, 40A 1 mi W. Beets, wheat, potatoes. Fmly
Lerwell Thos W, Payson, phone 16-J, 80A 6 mi SW. Wheat, alfalfa.
Fmly 8.
Lewis D H, Tucker, 80A.
Lewis David T. Sp Fork, phone 95-J, 35A 1 mi SE. Wheat, alfalfa.
Fmly 7.
Lewis E D, Goshen, 24A 1½ mi W. Beets, wheat. Fmly 4.
Lewis Fred, Sp Fork, 5A ¾ mi W, rented to Jesse Ludlow. Wheat,
beets. Fmly 2.
Lewis Geo H, Sp Fork, 20A 1 mi E. Beets, alfalfa, Jonathan, Rome
Beauty and Gano apples.
Lewis H E, Goshen, 25A ½ mi W, 30A 1½ mi N. Alfalfa, beets,
wheat, oats. Fmly 4.
Lewis Henry, Lehi, phone 30, 50A 3 ml N, homestead 160A 3 ml S
Fairfield. Turkey Red and Silver Club wheat, oats, barley,
Duroc-Jersey hogs. Fmly 4.
Lewis John W, Sp Fork, 31A 2½ ml SE. Beets, wheat, alfalfa,
potatoes. Fmly 5.
Lewis Louis, Am Fork, 84A 2 ml N Alpine. Apples, peaches, small
fruit, strawberries, currants. Fmly 2.
Lewis Mary Jane, Sp Fork, 2½ A 2½ mi W. Alfalfa. Fmly 1.
Lewis Oran, Sp Fork, phone 22-W, 160A 3 ml SW. Alfalfa, wheat.
Fmly 8.
Lewis B C, Goshen, 40A 1 mi W. Alfalfa, alfalfa seed. Fmly 5.
Lewis T J, Provo RFD 2, Box 58, 6A 2 mi N. Cattle, fruit,
vegetables. Fmly 5.
Liddle P H, Am Fork, 19A 2½ mi NW, 2A in city limits. Wheat,
oats, corn, White Leghorn chickens. Fmly 5.
Liechty A B, Provo, 10A 2½ mi NE. Hay, grain, potatoes. Fmly 9.
Liechty Ephraim, Provo, 45A 3½ mi NE. Hay, grain, cattle. Fmly
Linslay C G, Thistle, land owner.
Litchfield Jean, Mosida, 40A 12 mi NW Goshen. Wheat, alfalfa.
Fmly 2.
Litchfield Joseph, Goshen, 80A 15 mi NW. Wheat, oats, barley.
Fmly 6.
Litchfield R C, Goshen, 30A 1 mi N. Alfalfa seed, beets, agent
for Hitchcock & Hill. Fmly 2.
Little John Z, Am Fork, 20A 2½ mi S Alpine. Wheat, potatoes,
alfalfa, general farming. Fmly 3.
Llewellyn Edward, Sp Fork, 40A 1½ mi E. Alfalfa, wheat.
Llewellyn John, Goshen, 3A in city limits. Wheat. Fmly 7.
Llewellyn R W, Spgvl, 4A 3 mi SE. Sheep. Fmly 10.
Lloyd J B, Provo, 896 N 5 W, 16A 1 mi N. Alfalfa,
Lloyd J B, Provo, 896 N 5 W, 16A 1 mi N. Alfalfa, clover,
timothy. Fmly 3.
Loader Mrs. Mary, PI Grove, 13A 2 mi SE. Fruit, raspberries.
Fmly 3.
Loader Nathaniel, PI Grove, 8A 2 mi SE. Large fruit,
strawberries, raspberries. Fmly 3.
Loader Wm, PI Grove, 7A 2 mi SE. Raspberries, strawberries. Fmly
Lofgren Annie, Santaquin, 13A 1 mi W. Wheat, oats, alfalfa,
Lofgren Henry, Santaquin, 30A 3 mi W. Not cultivated.
Lombard James, Thistle, land owner.
Long J H, Provo RFD 2, Box 47, 5A 1½ mi N. Poultry, fruit. Fmly
Long James, Provo RFD 2, 21A 3 mi NE. Hay, potatoes, grapes,
peaches. Fmly 10.
Losee D A, Sp Fork, 2A 6½ mi W. Beets.
Losee David A, Lehi, 7A ½ mi SW, 2A ½ ml S. Beets, carrots, Pink
Eye beans, Idaho Rural potatoes, alfalfa, Chester White hogs.
Fmly 2.
Losee Davis, Lehi, 12A 1 mi SE. Beets, hay, potatoes. Fmly 2.
Losee John S, Sp Fork, 35A 2 mi SE. Beets. Fmly 9.
Losee Lyman P, Lehi, 20A in N Lehi, 2A in S Lehi, homestead 320A
8 mi W, rents 11A owned by Geo Smith. Turkey Red wheat, alfalfa,
red top, beets, Duroc-Jersey hogs, Jersey cattle. Fmly 8.
Losee Lyman, Sp Fork, 124A 1¼ mi W in Lake-Shore. Wheat, beets,
Losser J R, Sp Fork, rents 50A 1½ mi NE owned by Geo Jarvis.
Oats, barley.
Lott Benj C, Lehi RFD 1, phone 70-J-2, 25A 2 mi SW, 8A ½ mi S,
rents 5A adj owned by Inez Hammer. Wheat, potatoes, alfalfa,
Plymouth Rock chickens, Jersey and Durham cattle, Chester White
Lott Benj S, Lehi, phone 70J-1, 60A 1 mi S. Wheat, beets,
alfalfa, red top, barley, Duroc-Jersey hogs, Plymouth Rock
chickens, Durham cattle, Russet potatoes.
Lott Darrow R, Lehi, rents 65A 1½ mi S, owned by Benj Lott. Blue
Stem wheat, oats, barley, red top, alfalfa, Duroc-Jersey hogs,
Plymouth Rock chickens, Clydesdale horses. Fmly 7.
Lott I B, Provo RFD 2, Box 95. 23A 4½ mi NE. General farming,
hay, grain. Fmly 2.
Lott LeRoy E, Lehi, phone 105-W, 12A 1 mi S, homestead 160A,
rents 20A owned by Mrs. Abbie Ellingson. Wheat, oats, alfalfa.
Duroc Jersey hogs, beets, Durham and Jersey cattle, Russet
potatoes. Fmly 8.
Love Wm, Provo RFD 1, 22A 4 mi NW Peaches, apples, raspberries,
strawberries prunes.
Loveless A A, Provo, 905 S 5 W, 5A 1 mi SW. Hay.
Loveless J A, Payson, 105A 1 mi N. Beets, wheat, garden truck.
Fmly 7.
Loveless J A Jr, Provo RFD 1, Box 116, 30A 4½ mi NW. Peaches,
apples, cherries, prunes, strawberries, raspberries. Fmly 6.
Loveless Jas A, Provo, 65A 4 mi N, 45A 1½ mi W Linden. Elberta
peaches, strawberries, Ashwood prunes, Jonathan apples. Fmly 4.
Loveless John, Payson, 38A ½ mi E. Hay, grain.
Loveless Justin A. Payson, phone 80, 5A 1 mi N, 100A 4 mi SW.
Wheat, hay, beets. Fmly 7.
Loveless Lee Payson. 20A 1 mi N Santaquin. Wheat. Fmly 4.
Loveless Martin E, Payson, 40A 3 mi W, rents ISA 1 mi N owned by
Henry Nebeker. Alfalfa, wheat, oats, beets. Fmly 6.
Loveless Sarah J, Payson, 120A ½ mi NW. Alfalfa, barley, oats.
Fmly 1.
Loveless Sarah J, Payson, 100A 2 mi W. Hay, grain.
Loveridge A A, Provo RFD 1, Box 196, 5A 6 mi N. Apples, peaches,
strawberries. Fmly 4.
Loveridge A N, Provo RFD 1, Box 196, 32A 6 mi N. Fruit, peaches,
grapes, apples, pears and beets. Fmly 3.
Loveridge Don, Provo RFD 1, Box 149, 5A 6 mi N. Strawberries.
Fmly 3.
Loveridge Don, Lehi, 20A 2 mi SW. Blue Stem wheat, oats,
alfalfa, beets. Fmly 2.
Loveridge Don C, Lehi, 23A in city limits. Mixed farming. Fmly 5
Loveridge J M. Provo, 447 E 3 S, phone 519, 4A 1 mi W. Fruit.
Fmly 4.
Loveridge Wm T. Lehi, rents 15A 1½ mi N owned by Rachel Carson.
Alfalfa, Turkey Red wheat. Fmly 6.
Lowe Wm N, Spgvl. 1A in city limits. Garden truck.
Loynd Jos, Spgvl, 9A 1 mi E. Wheat.
Lucas Jos, Sp Fork, phone 5-F-12, 27A 3½ mi SE. Alfalfa. Fmly 3.
Ludlow C E. Sp Fork RFD 1, 1A 6 mi SW. Garden truck. Fmly 5.
Ludlow Enoch Sr, Sp Fork, phone 7-F-11, 50A 4½ mi W. Beets,
grain. Fmly 3.
Ludlow Enoch Jr, Sp Fork, phone 220 R-l, 17A 5 mi W. Beets,
wheat. Fmly 3.
Ludlow Fred, Sp Fork, phone 142-J, 20A 4 mi W. Wheat. Fmly 3.
Ludlow Jesse, Sp Fork, phone 143-W, 34A 3 mi W, rents 5A owned
by Fred Lewis. Beets, alfalfa, wheat. Fmly 7.
Ludlow Nathaniel, Sp Fork, 43A 3 mi W, 8A 1½ mi E. Beets,
alfalfa. Fmly 7.
Ludlow Paul, Sp Fork, 80A 4 mi W. Beets, alfalfa, wheat. Fmly 6.
Ludlow Thos E, Sp Fork, phone 7-F-4, 20A 4 mi W. Beets, market
garden, wheat. Fmly 11.
Ludlow Walter, Sp Fork, phone 7-F-21, 5A 4 ml W. Beets. Fmly 11.
Ludlow Walter, Sp Fork, phone 7-F-21, 23A 6 mi SW. Alfalfa,
beets. Fmly 9.
Lunceford A C, Provo RFD 1, Box 311, rents 6A 4½ mi NW Provo
owned by Geo Lunceford, Garfield. Apples, peaches, garden truck.
Fmly 3.
Lunceford J N, Provo RFD 1, Box 138, 20A 5 mi NW. General
farming, raspberries, strawberries. Fmly 11.
Lunceford John, Provo RFD 1, Box 69, 11A 3½ mi NW. Beets, Buff
Orpington chickens. Fmly 11.
Lund J as, Provo RFD 2, 10A 1½ mi NW. Onions, hay, strawberries.
Fmly 7.
Lund L W, PI Grove, 30A 2 mi N of Manila. Oats, potatoes.
Lund Louis P, PI Grove, 5A 1¾ mi SW. Hay.
Lund R H, PI Grove, 10A 1 mi N. Wheat, alfalfa. Fmly 6.
Lundberg N L, Provo, 968 W 10 S, 2A 1½ mi SW. Poultry. Fmly 3.
Lundell Carl A, Payson, 54A 3 mi N. Beets, Red Chaff wheat. Fmly
Lundell Mrs. Charlotte, Sp Fork, 60A 7 mi W, rents 14A owned by
Eliza Ann Hawkins. Beets, alfalfa, wheat, oats, barley. Fmly 9.
Lundell E F, Payson, 25A 1 mi SW Benjamin. Beets, wheat, oats,
barley. Fmly 4.
Lundholme Mrs. Gustave, Santaquin, 35A 1 mi N. Alfalfa, oats,
wheat. Fmly 1.
Lundquist Carl, Payson, 11A 1 mi SW Benjamin. Beets, alfalfa.
Fmly 2.
Lundstrom Chas, Santaquin, 13A 1 mi N. Alfalfa, wheat, potatoes.
Fmly 9.
Lundstrom Gust, Payson, 40A ¾ mi SW Benjamin. Beets, wheat,
oats, alfalfa, dairying. Fmly 5.
Lynch E S, Am Fork, 3A in city limits. Apples, alfalfa. Fmly 6.
Lyong Frank M, Thistle, land owner.
Utah County Gazetteer
| Utah
Source: Farmers and Merchants Directory,
Utah County, Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1916.