Utah County, Utah ~ Farmers & Merchants
~ Surname K
Abbreviations used in these
A - acres
mi - miles
Fmly - Family (number)
PO - Post Office
RFD - Rural Free Delivery
E - East
N - North
S - South
W - West
NE - Northeast
NW - Northwest |
American Fork - Am Fork
Goshen - Goshen
Lehi - Lehi
Mapleton - Mapleton
Payson - Payson
Pl Grove - Pleasant Grove
Provo - Provo
Salem - Salem
Santaquin - Santaquin
Spanish Fork - Sp Fork
Spgvl - Springville |
Kapple Lyman, estate, Payson. 35A 3 mi
W, 20A 4 mi NW, 10A 1 mi N, 30A ½ mi S. Wheat, oats, beets.
Kapple Martha S, Payson, 10A 1½ mi NW, 20A 4 mi NW, 35A 3 mi SW,
20 A 1 mi SW, 5 A 1 mi W. Wheat, hay, beets. Fmly 3.
Kartchner M E, Provo RFD 2, Box 22, 15½A 2 mi NE. Poultry,
vegetables, fruit. Fmly 5.
Kartchner M E. Provo RFD 1, Box 97, phone 178-R-1, 30A 3 mi NW.
Fruit, alfalfa, apples. Fmly 8.
Kavachevich Wm, Provo, 64S S 9 W, 1½A 1½ mi SW. Hay. Fmly 6.
Kay H J, Santaquin, 30A 3 mi N, rents 60A owned by Henry Byland.
Wheat, alfalfa. Fmly 7.
Kay Mrs. John I, Provo RFD 2, Box 62, 30A 3½ mi NE. Hay, grain,
prunes. Fmly 7.
Keele A. Sp Fork RFD 1, 20A, rents 10A owned by Andrew Iverson.
Beets, alfalfa, wheat, oats, potatoes. Fmly 5.
Keele Ed, Payson, 5A 1 mi E. Alfalfa. Fmly 4.
Keele J William, Payson, rents 40A 3 mi NW owned by Vern Manwell.
Beets, wheat, potatoes.
Keeler J B, Provo, Tchr BYU, 818 E 4 N, phone 90. Fmly 8. (See
Brhmhill & Keeler.)
Keetch A G, Pl Grove RFD I, Box 28, 18A 2 mi sic. Wheat,
alfalfa, potatoes, Elberta and Crawford peaches, variety apples.
Fmly 2.
Keetch A G Jr, PI Grove RFD 1, Box 52, 18A 8 mi S. Milk,
alfalfa, beets, wheat. Fmly 8.
Keetch W J, PI Grove RFD 1, 12A 2 mi SE: Beets, alfalfa, oats,
wheat. Fmly 5.
Kelly T S, Am Fork, 2A 5 blks N. Alfalfa. Fmly 3.
Kelsey W II, Spgvl, phone 15-A, 20A 1 mi, in city limits. Beets,
Kendall David A. Spgvl, 5A 2 mi SE. tomatoes, peaches. Fmly 3.
Kerr A. Payson, 38A 2 mi W, 32A ½ mi. Beets, wheat, hay. Fmly 6.
Kerr Albert, Payson, 38A 2 mi W, 20A ½ mi N. Wheat, oats,
Kerr David, Payson, 2A ½ mi N. Apples, garden truck. Fmly 2.
Kerr J A. Payson, 6A 1 mi N, rents 140A 1 mi W. Owned by J
Colvin, Payson. Beets,
Kerr J M, Payson, 10A 1 mi N, 40A 3 mi SE. Beets, alfalfa,
wheat. Fmly 9.
Killian Alex, Salem, 5A 1 mi S. Beets.
Kilian C, Salem, 15A 1 mi S. Alfalfa, wheat.
Killian Jacob, Sp Fork, 22A 3 mi S rented to Bernard Snow.
Beets, alfalfa, wheat. Fmly 5.
Kilian M, Salem, 3A 1 mi S. Wheat. Fmly 4.
Kinder J H, Payson, SA 2 mi S. Alfalfa. Fmly 5.
Kinder John, Payson, 10A 1 mi SW. Alfalfa, small fruits, wheat.
Fmly 2.
Kinder Robert, Lehi RFD 1, Box 131, 24A 2 mi NW. Turkey Red
wheat. Fmly 4.
Kindred Annie, Spgvl, 20A 1 mi W. Pasture, wild hay. Fmly 3.
Kindred John R, Spgvl, 10A 1 mi W. Grazing. Fmly 12. (Dealer in
Kindred Lunna B, Spgvl, 3A ½ mi NW. Pasture land, wild hay. Fmly
King Wm, Am Fork, 10A 3 mi NE, 30A 2½ mi SE. Wheat, hay,
potatoes. Fmly 7.
Kinnear David, Provo RFD 1. 2A 1½ mi NW. Truck gardening. Fmly
Kinnear R K, Provo RFD 1, 6A 1½ mi NW. Grain, fruit.
Kirk Jas, PI Grove RFD 1, 30A 3 mi SW on State road. Elberta
peaches, alfalfa, general farming. Fmly 8.
Kirk S H, PI Grove RFD 1, Box 4, 27A 1 mi S. Apples, grain,
beets, potatoes, raspberries. Fmly 7.
Kirk Mrs. W J. PI Grove RFD 1, Box 2, phone 2, 18A 1 mi S.
Beets, potatoes, wheat, alfalfa. Fmly 10.
Kirk W P, PI Grove RFD 1, Box 51, 25A 3 mi S. Strawberries,
raspberries, peaches, beets. Fmly 7.
Kirkham Hyrum. Lehi. 10A 1 mi S, 40A 3 mi W. Wheat, alfalfa,
oats, beets, Chester White hogs, Percheron horses. Fmly 5.
Kirkman Geo, Santaquin, 49A ¼ mi SW, homestead 55A 2 mi S.
Wheat, alfalfa, Elberta peaches, Black Ben apples. Fmly 6.
Kirkman J E, Santaquin, 30A ½ mi SW, 80A 2 mi SW. Hay, wheat,
oats. Fmly 6.
Kirkman James. Spgvl 15A 1½ mi W. Beets, pasture. Fmly 7.
Kitchen S W, Provo RFD l. Box 294, 3A 4¾ mi NW, rents 8A owned
by C W Prestwich, Huntington, Emery Co. Raspberries, truck
garden, hay. Fmly 5.
King D S, Provo, 807 W 6 S, 18A 1¼ mi SW. May, beans and
potatoes, Fmly 5.
Knapp R E, Provo, 660 S 4 W. rents 2A ¼ mi owned by W B Starr,
Vegetables, White Leghorn chickens. Fmly 8.
Knight Geo. Am Fork, 4A in city limits. Apples.
Knight Geo F, Am Fork, 18A 1 mi NE, 84 2 mi SW. Apples,
potatoes, wheat. Fmly 8.
Knight Jesse, Provo, 185 E Center St, 300A 3 mi S. General
farming, wheat, fruit, walnuts.
Knight Leo J, Provo RFD 1, Box 169, 13A 5½ mi NW on State road.
Raspberries, strawberries, prunes, apples, sweet cherries,
peaches, poultry, eggs, dairy products. Fmly 5.
Knight N J, Provo RFD 1, Box 100, 32A 5 mi NW on State road.
Elberta peaches, apples, Bartlett pears, raspberries,
strawberries, sweet cherries, currants, watermelons, tomatoes,
truck garden. Fmly 7.
Knudsen Herman, Provo, 128 W 4 S, phone 89-W, 165A 3 mi W.
Beets, hay, dairy, Holstein cows. Fmly 5.
Knudsen Karl, Provo RFD 1, Box 19-D. 10A 3 mi W, rents 40A owned
by Andrew Knudson, Provo. Jonathan apples, pure bred White
Leghorn chickens, registered Jersey cattle. Fmly 2.
Knudsen Milton H. Provo RFD 1. Box 1, 28A 2½ mi W. Gano and
Jonathan apples. Fmly 8.
Knudsen Reed J, Provo RFD 1, 15A 3 mi W, rents 50A owned by
Herman Knudsen. Milk, cream, butter, Duroc-Jersey hogs, Holstein
cows. Fmly 2.
Knudsen Walter, Provo RFD 1. Box 19A, phone 173-J-l, rents 50A 3
mi W owned by Herman Knudsen, Provo. Potatoes, Jonathan and Gano
apples, dairy products. Fmly 2.
Knudson Arthur M, Lehi, 40A 14 mi W, rents 70A 5 mi SW owned by
Austin Bros, Vermont Bldg., Salt Lake City. Alfalfa, beets, club
barley, Sparrow Bill oats. Fmly 3.
Knudson Christian, Lehi. 51A, homesteads 320A. Beets, alfalfa,
red top, Sparrow Bill oats, California club wheat, Durham
cattle. Fmly 5.
Knudson Gilbert C, Lehi, 20A 2 mi W, rents 75A 5 mi SW owned by
Austin Brothers, Vermont Bldg., Salt Lake City. Beets, alfalfa,
barley, oats. Fmly 2.
Knudson Heber A, Provo RFD 1, Box 16, phone 173-R-l, 10A 3 mi W.
rents 40A owned by Andrew Knudson. Provo. Rome Beauty, Jonathan
and Gano apples, pure bred S C Brown and White Leghorn chickens.
Fmly 4.
Knudson Mathias, Provo, 667 N 5 W, 25A 14 mi NW. Fruit, apples,
general farm products. Fmly 9.
Koffard E. Provo, 359 E 2 N. 7½A 1 mi NE. Truck farming, Elberta
peaches and apples.
Koffard Willard, Provo RFD 1, 5A 6 mi NW on State road. Fruit.
Koontz F M, Sp Fork, 14A 6 mi W. Beets, wheat. Fmly 2.
Koyle Albert H. Sp Fork, phone 5-F-3, 512A 1¼ mi SE. Beets,
alfalfa, wheat. Fmly 13.
Koyle J H, Sp Pork RFD 1, 85A 3 mi SW. Beets, wheat.
Koyle John H. Sp Fork, phone 100-M, 20A 4 mi SE. Wheat, alfalfa,
beets. Fmly 2.
Koyle Roy, Sp Fork, 40A 4 mi SE. Wheat, alfalfa. Fmly 3.
Koyle S A, Sp Fork, 15A 3 mi SW. Beets, wheat.
Koyle Wm, Sp Fork. 35A 2 mi E Salem. Wheat, beets, alfalfa. Fmly
Koyle Wm J, Sp Fork, 15A 4 mi S. Beets, potatoes, wheat, apples,
peaches, pears, apricots. Fmly 3.
Kruse H J, PI Grove, phone 61-W, 5A 1 mi W. Raspberries, mixed
fruit. Fmly 5.
Utah County Gazetteer
| Utah
Source: Farmers and Merchants Directory,
Utah County, Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1916.